Website Name: CrackyShell Holding.

Website Address:

Owner: CrackyShell Holding Limited.

Publication Manager: CrackyShell Holding Limited.

Web Design and SEO: Cracker’s Tech SARL/S

Hosting: IT infrastructure provided by Cracker’s Tech - Contact the hosting provider.


CRACKYSHELL HOLDING LTD - SOPARFI Financial Participation Company - With a capital of 20,000 euros.

Business Permit from Luxembourg - Accreditation NIU B2842716

Phone +1 (787) 709 4896 – Contact the management by email – Mühlenweg 68, L-2011 Luxembourg


The use of this website implies full acceptance of the following terms and conditions.

These terms of use may be modified or supplemented at any time.


The information and documents on the website are provided for informational purposes only, without being exhaustive, and do not engage the responsibility of the website owner.

The website owner cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from accessing the site.


Unless otherwise stated, all elements accessible on the website (texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software, etc.) remain the exclusive property of their respective authors in terms of intellectual property rights or usage rights.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the website, regardless of the means or process used, is prohibited without prior written permission from the author.

Any unauthorized use of the website or any of its elements is considered infringement and may be subject to legal action.

Trademarks and logos reproduced on the website are registered by the companies that own them.


– Outgoing links

The website owner disclaims all responsibility and is not bound by the referencing of third-party resources present on the Internet, whether it concerns their content or relevance.

– Incoming links

The website owner allows hypertext links to any page of this site, provided that they open in a new window and are presented unambiguously to avoid:

  • Any risk of confusion between the referring site and the website owner,
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The website owner reserves the right to request the removal of a link if it deems that the source site does not comply with the defined rules.


Every user has the right to access, rectify, and oppose their personal data by making a written and signed request, accompanied by proof of identity.

Privacy Policy: Refer to the Privacy Policy page.
Cookie Policy: Refer to the Cookie Management Policy page.


The general terms and conditions related to sales, services, and the return and/or refund policy are available. 

Refer to the General Terms and Conditions page.


Logo bank used for design:

Image bank used for illustration:


  1. Loi du 18 avril 2001 sur les droits d’auteur, les droits voisins et les bases de données.
  2. Law of August 2, 2002, concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data.
  3. Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (GDPR).
  4. Law of July 28, 2011, on the security of networks and information.
  5. European Directive of March 15, 2006.
  6. Directive 96/9/CE of March 11, 1996, on the legal protection of databases of the European Union.
  7. Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 6, 2016, concerning measures for a high common level of network and information security in the Union.
  8. List of offenses in computer matters - Police of Lëtzebuerg.

Le présent document a été mis à jour le 19 décembre 2023.

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